/, Careers/The Dos and Don’ts of Today’s Successful CVs

The Dos and Don’ts of Today’s Successful CVs

The curriculum vitae can be the ultimate resource for any modern job-seeker.  

Your CV is your first opportunity to impress a new company and show them that you have what it takes to survive, and thrive in their available role. However, many professionals struggle to unlock the full potential of their CV, because they treat it as a static document, rather than an ever-evolving expression of their skills.  

Though updating your template and re-writing your cover letter every time you see a new job opportunity might seem like an exhausting process, it’s crucial for those who want to outshine the other candidates in the marketplace.  

The technology sector is constantly evolving, and only the most up-to-date and accurate CV will capture the attention of a hiring manager.  

The following Dos and Don’ts will help to ensure that you don’t miss out on the position of your dreams, thanks to an uninspiring application.  


The “Dos” of Writing Your Succcessful CV


Successful CV


Now that the New Year has begun, it’s the perfect time to evaluate the documents you use in your standard career search. While you’re adding new skills, and removing inappropriate information, make sure that you do the following things: 


“Do” Keep it Short and Simple 

It’s tempting to believe that the more you write on your curriculum vitae about marketing automation, salesforce, and software testing, the more impressive you’ll appear. However, remember that most hiring experts will merely skim the applications they receive.  

If your CV is an overwhelming block of text, then a manager might discard it without a second thought. Instead, keep your message as simple and focused as possible. If the resulting document is more than two pages long, go back and find something you can remove.  


“Do” Highlight your Accomplishments 

A lot of technology CVs can end up reading like a list of chores when you’re trying to demonstrate what you did for your last employer. Writing “updated company software”, or “acted as a Salesforce admin” on your history won’t inspire much excitement from the average business owner.  

Instead of outlining what you did, highlight the things you accomplished on behalf of the company. For instance, did you create a new programme that saved your team a lot of time? Did your suggestion to install a new application lead to bigger profits for the project? Demonstrate the measurable value of your skills.  


“Do” Tailor the CV to the Role 


Successful CV


Hiring managers in the technology industry are very picky when it comes to choosing the right IT superstar. They can pick a generic application out instantly, and a copy-pasted CV won’t impress anyone.   

Rather than throwing a jumble of information down onto a couple of pages and expecting your new boss to translate the result, make sure that you tailor-make each CV to suit the career or role you’re applying for. This will show the person making the decisions that you’re truly invested in the job.  


“Do” Use the Right Formatting 

As a technology expert, you probably know how to use a basic set of document processing programmes to make your CV look and sound incredible. Make sure that there’s plenty of white space included that makes the document as easy to read as possible.  

At the same time, think about including keywords from your chosen job listing in your CV. For instance, if the specifications call for an “HCM technician”, then use the word “HCM” in your writing wherever you can. This will make it easier for an organisation to associate your skills with their recruitment needs.  


The Don’ts of Updating Your CV 

While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for the perfect role application, there are a few standard mistakes you need to avoid if you want the best chance of getting the position of your dreams. Keep the following “don’ts” in mind when you’re refining your curriculum vitae.  


“Don’t” Use Too Much Jargon 


Successful CV


As a technology specialist, you’ll definitely need to use some technical language in your CV – particularly when you’re listing your skills and certifications. However, avoid using too much jargon – particularly when it comes to acronyms and terms that might have been specific to a previous employer.  

Keep your focus on industry terms that everyone in your niche will know, but remember that not all recruiters are familiar with complex IT phrases. 


“Don’t” Waste Space on Interests 

If you need to clear extra space on your CV, then you can always consider getting rid of the “Interests” section. Although this space can be useful when it comes to highlighting your passion for the industry or showcasing things that you’re particularly passionate about, it’s not as crucial as demonstrating your experiences and accomplishments.  

When you’re reading through your application and looking for any grammar or spelling mistakes, ask yourself whether the Interests section really adds anything to your CV. If it’s just taking up extra room, you can remove it completely.  


Finally, while your CV should effectively demonstrate how suitable you are for a specific role, your cover letter can be another way to show a hiring manager or recruitment agency that you’ve done your research.  

A cover letter can allow you to expand on some of the things you touch on in your application, and explain how your specific skills suit the role in question. 


Resource On Demand is Europe’s first specialist Salesforce Recruitment Company. We assist the world’s leading organisations to grow their technology teams. Supporting companies to fill roles that span across digital marketing, marketing automation, Human Capital Management, CRM system management, software testing and Salesforce.

The team at Resource On Demand have access to an extensive database of key talent, registering over 8000 professionals each year. To find out how we can support you call us on +44 20 8123 7769 or rod@resourceondemand.com.

2022-08-18T13:15:54+00:00 Career, Careers|