//How to Plan Your Cloud Technology Career

How to Plan Your Cloud Technology Career


Thanks to an emerging age of digital transformation, the technology world is evolving at break-neck speed, with more new and exciting concepts emerging every day. This means that there are more employment opportunities available throughout the sector for those willing to expand their skills, and strive for success.  

That is why we are now in a business era that means it’s the perfect time for technical professionals to think about developing their career. 

If the promotion or career opportunity you had been dreaming of has not happened yet, then that might be a sign that you need to refine your job plan 

Now that the tech dominates our lives, for everything from hosting to software development, you might be in the perfect position to find the role of your dreams.  

All you need is a solid career strategy.   

Step 1: Understand Yourself, and What You Want 

Just knowing that you want to develop your career in cloud technology might not be enough to bring the opportunities you’re looking for your way. Instead, you’ll need to consider where you are now, where you want to be, and what avenues you’ll need to explore to reach your goals.  

Think about the following questions: 

  • Am I happy with my current job? 
  • What kind of cloud tech would I like to work with? 
  • What are my strengths and development areas? 
  • What do I want to get out of my career? 
  • How can I improve my opportunities in the industry? 

Remember, in the ever-evolving cloud environment; you don’t need to make a plan that lasts forever. Instead, think about where you’d like to be in the next 3 to 5 years, then revisit your roadmap at a later stage.   

Step 2: Look for Inspiration 



Once you have a good idea of what your dream employment opportunity might look like, you can start thinking about what you might need to do to get from where you are now, to where you want to be. an excellent way to do this is to seek out insights from people who have already achieved the goals you’ve set for yourself.  

In today’s highly-connected digital environment, it’s easy to track down cloud professionals who have made their mark in the world. Through social media sites like LinkedIn, or blog posts from professionals, you can read up on the journey that experts just like you have taken to get to where they are today.  

If you struggle to find the information you need, then remember that talking to an enlightening. These companies know exactly what companies search for in a tech pro.   

Step 3: Determine What Changes You’ll Need to Make 

There’s a good chance that if you want to get a higher, more authoritative position within the technology world, you’ll need to update your skills. The changing trends of the technology environment mean that competitive organisations are always searching for talent that can handle the latest software and developments.  

For instance, if you want to be a cloud software professional, then you might need to update your skills in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Today’s businesses are tapping into more AI than ever before to automatically evaluate the data they store in the cloud.  

Alternatively, you might want to think about focusing your skills in different areas. Consider how you can link your skills with movements in the marketplace.  


Step 4: Create a Plan for Your Transition


As it becomes easier for you to visualise what you want to accomplish next, you’ll need to put your plan down in writing so that you can simplify the map that you will be following over the next five years. Think about how you’re going to repackage yourself for the recruitment world, and what kind of preparation you’ll need to do.  

It might be useful to develop a list of tasks you hope to complete as you approach the year ahead, and establish a timeline for when you want to achieve different things. For instance, it can be helpful for technology employees to enhance their soft skills before an interview. 

Expect to encounter a few hurdles on the road to success. After all, achieving your dream career isn’t always a simple process.   

Step 5: Be Ready to Update and Adapt 

The technology industry is always growing and changing, which means that any professional who wants to thrive in this sector, must be evolving right alongside it. The chances are that you’ll need to frequently update your job plan as you accomplish specific goals, and discover new skills in your arsenal, so don’t be afraid to come back and make tweaks from time to time.  

Generally, it’s helpful to address your strategy once a year and make any changes that might be necessary to keep you on the path to success. However, when it comes to cloud technology, you might want to evaluate your options every time there’s a change in the market or a significant innovation that might affect your opportunities.  

About Resource On Demand

Resource On Demand is Europe’s first specialist Salesforce Recruitment Company. We assist the world’s leading organisations to grow their technology teams. Supporting companies to fill roles that span across digital marketing, marketing automation, Human Capital Management, CRM system management, software testing and Salesforce.

The team at Resource On Demand have access to an extensive database of key talent, registering over 8000 professionals each year. To find out how we can support you call us on +44 20 8123 7769 or rod@resourceondemand.com.

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