Protecting Data

One of the biggest problems that any enterprise has, is making sure that the integrity of their data remains intact, whilst complying with local legislation about Data Protection. And when it comes to using cloud technology, these concerns are no different. With the growing trend to utilise hybrid clouds, the biggest questions that a company will ask is, how can IT ensure data protection?

Whilst protecting data at rest on the disk, by encryption serves its purpose, newly created data is much more vulnerable due to the frequency that it moves between servers. Yet, despite the changes in technology, the challenges that you face over protecting the data largely remain the same. And, rather then blaming the technology for breaches in data protection, often the culprit can be outdated corporate policies.

As part of cloud adoption, enterprises should beforehand review their existing data and security policies to make sure they are not putting themselves at risk, and ensure any new technology can specifically handle any issues and concerns they have. By knowing in advance where you are most at risk, will enable businesses to make much better and informed decisions.

Cloud SecurityIn addition, the data and security policies should also be extended to cover mobile and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), to ensure that data stays protected within the enterprise environment, minimising risk and exposure. By preventing employees from accessing crucial business applications via mobile devices, except within the confines for the enterprise will also safeguard employees from making critical errors, giving them more confidence and power within their duties. What employers really need to be considering; “Is what happens when employees leave? How quickly can they shut down access to data, to prevent data loss?

Below are the key considerations for creating your enterprise Data Loss Prevention Policy:

1. Know where your confidential data is being stored. Who has access to it? And where is it sent?

2. How are you planning on preventing data being access by external intruders? And how can you prevent against theft or accidental loss of data by employees?

3. What liabilities, or negative exposure will you incur as a result of data breaches?

4. What Regulations in respect to data must you comply with?

5. What additional security threats could you face from BYOD or increased mobility?

6. How can you monitor employees and the organisation for inappropriate handling of data? What evidence should you be collecting?

7. How will changes in technology, applications and devices affect your ability to protect data?


2013-10-15T11:33:45+00:00 Cloud Article, Cloud Security|