A CV can detail that a person has completed a certain course, worked with particular technology or has held the position of a developer. But this doesn’t actually tell you how much they know and how proficient they are at completing tasks. The only way to determine this is to create real live scenarios to put the candidates to the test, and this is where gamification could play an important role in the recruitment of Salesforce developers.
Gamification for recruiting works
Recruiting for Salesforce consultants can be fairly straight forward. Often a consultant will be asked to present a solution based on a business case scenario. And in the past we have had developers build triggers based on a business case, but gamification uses scenarios to test someone’s abilities in the form of a game. They have to complete tasks to get through a series of levels. It not only challenges their skills and abilities but also demonstrates how well they can think through problems. The more levels they achieve, the higher they score and it’s a way to determine the level of their abilities against other Salesforce developers.
Government entities such as British Intelligence GCHQ have used gamification to attract and identify potential recruits by putting out a message on a website: www.canyoucrackit.co.uk. Candidates who are able to decipher the code then advance through to the next round of interviews. It is a unique way of identifying and attracting people for what is a unique vocation.
Benefits for Salesforce developers
Finding a new job can be stressful, especially if you’re less of a people person and more at home in front of a computer screen. Gamification tests a Salesforce developer’s skills in a way that is engaging and focuses on their actual skills rather than their ability to perform well in a personal interview. It provides developers with a good sense of how they fare compared to others in the industry. Gamification may also identify talents they didn’t know they had or didn’t think they were that good at.
Why gamification and recruiters could make the perfect team?
Hiring through traditional CV’s can be costly if the wrong people are hired. What may appear to be a promising candidate on paper, may not prove to be true in a real work scenario and frustratingly recruiters hate having to rely on ‘old school’ technical vetting when technology changes so quickly that even the professionals are hard pushed to keep up to date. Gamification provides a way to test this, to not only see if they actually have the skills they say they have, but also to see the level and aptitude of their skills. It can identify hidden talents and specific types of problem solving aptitudes.
If done in a competition forum it also has the potential to attract a larger number of diverse Salesforce developers who have different skill sets. Most importantly, it gives potential recruits some insight into the type of work they will be doing. This can help improve retention rates and reduce new hire attrition.
In the end, despite what a CV might say, what recruiters really want to know is “Can this person do the job and how well will they do at it? Will they be an asset to the company?”
When making this decision on a CV alone it’s a guessing game, and above all else Recruiters hate to waste valuable time for the Clients by arranging interviews for candidates they are just not sure about. But gamification takes the guesswork out of assessing a Salesforce developer’s skills. Not only can a recruiter see what they know, but also, by how many levels they manage to attain in the game, just how skilled they are.