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How Technology Can Help Improve Inclusivity in Your Recruitment Process

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data are helping hiring managers continually improve the recruitment process. 

Technology helps reveal the candidates who are the best fit for positions by correlating skills and attributes into values and numbers, simplifying the process. Recruitment is becoming less about the ‘face value’ of a candidate based on their name or current employer; instead, it is about finding true skill matches. 

While AI is improving success rates in recruitment, it is transforming the sector in other ways. 

Diversity and inclusion issues that are at the forefront of many employers’ minds can also be improved thanks to technology. 

All forward-thinking employers are looking to improve diversity and inclusion in their teams – today, we look at how technology can help. 


1. Eliminating Bias in Your Talent Attraction Strategy  



The job description is usually the first alert that a candidate will have to an organisation’s vacancy, and it can often be the first hurdle where inclusivity fails. 

AI-powered candidate tracking systems can start the initial screening using key metrics to search for suitable candidates instead of a manual search, reinforcing stereotypes and leading to pigeonholing.   

Many companies are adopting AI in their recruitment strategy. In 2019, 67 per cent of hiring managers and recruiters surveyed by LinkedIn said AI was saving them time. 

If you are currently using AI in your talent attraction strategy, you can also decrease bias in your candidate search. New AI platforms can match candidates to employers based on their skills, experience and location, rather than their name or who they are connected to – making the process more diverse and inclusive. 


2. Using Larger Talent Pools to Increase the Number of Overall Candidates  

Employers looking to hire can often use the same homogenous places and methods to search for their candidates, limiting the talent pool, making it harder for ‘outsiders’ to break into tech cliques. 

Using Big Data software in your talent search will vastly increase your talent pool. And with the rise of remote Salesforce working, there is no reason to limit your search to one small area. 

A genuinely diverse recruitment process will include searching for candidates across a wide range of geographical areas. 


3. Ranking Candidates Fairly Using AI 



There has been an issue with diversity and inclusion in the Salesforce space and the broader tech space, which has developed over decades. In a historically white, male-centric industry, minorities such as women and people of colour are still under-represented.  

Companies that are serious about improving their inclusivity can branch out into using these AI-powered candidate screening systems to show their talent pool that they are committed to improving diversity and inclusion. 

Finally, let’s look at how firms can use tech to broaden and enhance their talent pools.  


4. Utilising Technology to Create Inclusive Content for Your Talent Pool  

Improving diversity starts with recognising where you can make your organisation and your recruitment practices more wide-ranging and inclusive. 

Often, companies are unaware of who they might be alienating with their hiring process and their messaging to candidates. 

AI-powered insights can steer your marketing to a more inclusive place. Research by Adobe found that 52% of advanced brands use integrated analytics to augment their marketing efforts.  

You might need different AI insights to work together to create a clear picture of who you are currently marketing to and discover how you want this to change.  

Global research company Forrester report, “By 2020, businesses that use AI and related technologies like machine learning and deep learning to uncover new insights will take $1.2 trillion each year from competitors that dont. 


How AI and Recruitment Can Work Together   



There is no need for hiring managers to be concerned about AI eliminating their jobs – however, all that AI is doing is strengthening the quality of the hires you make. 

Improving diversity within your recruitment process is an excellent place to start to create a more inclusive organisation. 

As it is such a vital, current topic, we have produced a report on how employers in the Salesforce space can improve diversity and inclusion. In the report, we cover recruitment, plus many other topics too; if you would like to download a free copy of the report, click here.  

As a Salesforce recruiter, we see first-hand how AI and tech improve the hiring process and strengthen talent matches.  

If you are currently looking for Salesforce specialists for your team and would like more information on how our recruitment services can help – get in touch with me today. 





About Resource On Demand 

Resource On Demand is Europe’s first specialist Salesforce Recruitment Company, now also focusing on growth Cloud markets.   

We assist innovative and disruptive organisations to grow their technology teams. Supporting companies to fill Cloud roles that span across Digital Marketing, Marketing Automation, Human Capital Management and the growing Salesforce.com suite of skills.  

The team at Resource On Demand have access to an extensive database of key talent, registering over 8000 Cloud professionals each year.  

To find out how we can support you call us on 01322 272 532, or contact us by clicking here.