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Outsmarting Computers – Top Tips for Job Seekers

Applicant Tracking SoftwareAs recruiters we understand how difficult it can be to get your CV in front of Recruiting Manager. If you are one of those many job seekers who has been submitting your CV to various companies without any luck, then there may be a solution that can help.

Large organisations get hundreds of CV applications a day from job seekers, which makes keeping on top of managing and short listing applicants almost impossible. As a result companies often end up resorting to machines to short list potential applicants for interview, which bypasses the need for a HR team member to read each CV individually.  This software known as Application Tracking Software (ATS) ‘reads’ the CV and looks for keywords.  Therefore if your CV is not ATS optmised you could be missing out on fantastic opportunities.

Things to consider when compiling your CV are:

– That you avoid using logos to highlight your industry certifications

– That you use the keywords from the job spec within your CV

Software application Jobscan has been developed to help job seekers create their CV’s in a way that passes ATS, and is different from other CV tools, in that it focuses on keywords. Currently there are more than 300 applicant tracking software systems available and Jobscan is able to identify keywords used by 90% of them.

For more information on making your CV perfect, contact one of our team now!


2015-06-11T14:00:11+00:00 Careers, Recruitment, Work Tips|