/, Training, Work Tips/Please Sir, can I have some more?

Please Sir, can I have some more?

It probably comes as no surprise, that following a ‘holiday’ people often look to changePay rise employers. This is particularly true if the individual is not enjoying their job, but can be for a variety of reasons such as; you do not get on with your boss, or you are looking for a new challenge or more responsibility, relocation, or in some instances wanting more money.  Regardless of what your motivation is, usually you can do something about it.

It continually surprises us, that in situations where the main driver is more responsibility or money, that individuals very rarely approach the subject with their Line Manager first. Instead, they go through the process of applying and interviewing for a new role, before they will pluck up the courage and ‘ask’, but little do they realise what harm this may be causing them.

To ask or not to ask:

  •  Whilst a company might not be able to accommodate all of your wishes when you first ask, they would certainly respect you for using the correct channels. And the next time a promotion, or a job comes up with more responsibility, you are likely to be in the running for it. Plus, if there are gaps in your skills, you can always work on this whilst you wait for the opportunity to arise.
  • If you do opt to obtain a new job offer in the hope that it will spur your employer into a counter offer, this can seriously jeapordise your chances for future promotion. Whilst career progression and monetary reward go hand-in-hand, your current employer is likely to doubt your loyalty to the company, and may suspect you of always looking for something new. And when it comes to offering a promotion to a loyal employee or one that might up and leave at any moment, the chances are they will pick longevity.

How do you ask for a pay rise?

This is always going to be an awkward conversation, but with a bit of planning you can make sure you have the best chance possible. Simply asking for more money is never going to work, instead you have to be able to demonstrate that you are worth the extra money or promotion.

  • Scope out the market to see what people are paid within your industry, location, and job role.
  • Review what you have done throughout the year. Where have you made the company money? Have you hit or exceeded the targets set? When have you gone beyond the call of duty? How have you helped to improve quality?
  • Familiarise yourself with the company’s procedures for pay reviews.

Once you have done your preparation, ask for a meeting with your Line Manager and let them know what the meeting is about. This will provide them with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the company’s internal procedures, and if need be speak to the appropriate department to see what their authority is for giving a pay rise.

Under no circumstances should you give your Line Manager an ultimatum – as you never know if they might just say ‘Go then!’ Instead, you need to demonstrate that you are worth the pay increase, which should be backed up with evidence and examples wherever possible. You should discuss your progression generally, both within the role and the company, and demonstrate that you see your future with them.

What if the response is ‘no’?

Don’t consider a ‘No’, as being final. If your request is declined, then ask how you can influence this moving forward. Is there a promotion that you could work towards? Or can you take on additional responsibilities elsewhere within the organisation?

Make sure that at the very least you leave the meeting with a plan of action of how you can work towards a pay rise, and set yourself follow up meetings, to gauge how you are performing.


2022-08-19T09:29:27+00:00 Careers, Training, Work Tips|