Firstly, Hilary Clinton is proof that unfortunately not even the best candidates (on paper) get the job. And this is something that we have seen many times before, which can have devastating consequences for the individual concerned. For example, we recently had the absolute perfect candidate for our client. They were pretty much a pedigree technical candidate, with loads of experience. Culturally they seemed like a perfect match for the company. And they had absolutely aced the first round of interviews. We, the candidate and the client felt it was the perfect match. So where did it all go wrong?
Once we all got over our initial shock that a rejection can have, we went about pulling apart what went tragically wrong for the candidate. And the response we got from the client was rather surprising. The clients initial feedback was that the candidate appeared too confident, or to put it as bluntly as they did – ‘too cocky!’ This took us by complete surprise, as the individual in question is rather modest about their skills, which is why they only work with us. They would much rather we brag about their skills than them. We went back to the candidate with this feedback, who reflected on it for a bit, and then admitted that because he had such a positive experience in the 1st and 2nd interviews, he felt that a ‘job offer’ was coming regardless, and possibly…just possibly gave this impression in what was to be his 3rd and most important interview. He now accepts that the boost he got from the previous interviews, meant that maybe he did not try as hard to impress the final interviewer, who he thought was there to just meet and greet, or ‘cross the T’s and dot the i’s’ so to speak!
But the feedback did not stop there…the interviewer also felt that the candidate was under prepared. Something that our candidate accepts wholeheartedly. Why would he need to do extensive preparation, after all he was interviewing for a job that quite frankly he could do in his sleep. Technically his answers were spot on, text book even! The long list of references and recommendations he had was evidence he was great at his job. So what let him down? Well the client did not want someone who gave perfect or ‘safe’ answers. He wanted someone to show that they had researched the company enough to come to the interview offering new ideas, new directions even. Simply put, they wanted passion!
And as with the US election, our candidate lost out on what was his ideal ‘dream’ job. He knows and we know, that opportunities that are so perfect it’s breath taking, only come around so often…and so he will now have to wait patiently, but safe in the knowledge that he won’t make the same mistake again.
The client on the other hand, has found their ‘dream’ candidate. And like Trump, it is not the perfect candidate. In fact the person they hired has no Salesforce certifications, and nowhere near the same amount of experience. So what set them apart from the rest of the pack?
According to the client they were beguiled by an individual, who is so driven by pure ambition; who just might be willing to fight dirty that they can forgive the lack of hard skills. And yes they might be lacking in qualifications, but what they lack…they more than make up for with passion!
So if nothing else, the US election shows us that in the life the underdog can and does win the race!