Some elements of the lockdown will continue to be present in our world for the foreseeable future. Cash has largely been replaced by contactless, and we’re all keeping our distance and washing our hands a lot more.
And, interestingly a recent survey of business leaders found that four in ten organisations have made adjustments that they plan to keep after lockdown.
Most businesses and employees have been commendable in the way they have adapted to a new way of working. Salesforce has an advantageous position in that employees can mostly work from home, meaning innovation and Salesforce’s regular high-quality service has been able to thrive.
But there are some changes which Salesforce teams will benefit from carrying forwards once we return to ‘normal’ – let’s take a look at what they are.
Enhanced Data Protection
With droves of Salesforce employees working from home due to lockdown, Salesforce implemented some extra security measures to protect businesses and individuals from cyber attacks.
Reports of cyber-crime increased during the lockdown, as hackers took advantage of the fact that regular security measures were not in place in some businesses.
Salesforce restricted the hours during which users can log on, and the range of IP addresses they can access from. If a user tries to enter from an unrecognised source or outside these allotted times, the log in attempt will be blocked.
Additional security measures include two-factor authentication for user interface logins, two-factor authentication for API logins, and Salesforce clients can set a range of trusted IP addresses.
This focus on security has allowed companies with remote workers to look at what else they can be doing to strengthen their security to allow for more home-working opportunities. An HSBC report in the tech sector found that 89% of respondents cited flexible working as a motivator to be more productive at work, so taking steps to allow remote working to continue indefinitely will be in an employer’s best interests.
On the subject of home working, let’s look at how working styles have changed.
Flexible Working
The benefit of being able to work from home, or on a flexible schedule has always been one of the main advantages of Salesforce.
The platform can be accessed anywhere, by employees using a laptop, tablet or even a mobile phone, which is great for accessibility.
But Salesforce has also been championed as having one of the greatest company cultures in the world, and this can only be attributed to the ground-breaking office set-ups.
Employees frequently cite the collaborate nature of Salesforce’s working spaces as one of the best things about working for the company. Modern, open-plan workspaces, a constant supply of free food and not to mention the Herman Miller office chairs that cost around £1,000 each – Salesforce employees are very well looked after.
It is this consideration that drove the decision to allow all employees the option of working from home until the end of 2020. ‘Option’ is the operative word here – employees have autonomy over their roles.
This decision will end up enabling teams to work with ultimate flexibility to produce amazing results. Some employees will return to the office, others will stay remote, and there will be a mix of both.
Innovation Will Drive New Products and Services
Many businesses have used this time to work on innovation, with nearly one in six reporting that they had launched a new product or service during the lockdown.
Known for its innovation, Salesforce was at the forefront of creating new products and services to meet customer needs.
To help customers through the difficulties of a post-COVID world, Salesforce released – an app containing everything businesses need to reopen safely and securely. The platform comprises contact tracing, a digital workplace command centre, shift management planning and workforce reskilling, among many other features.
As businesses adapt to our post-COVID world, there is a vast scope here for Salesforce to deliver platforms which companies need to reassure, nurture and reconnect with customers. We can expect to see a range of new products and services emerge post-lockdown.
Increased Resilience
Salesforce leaders and employees alike have just gone through probably the most challenging period they will experience in their careers.
The changes I have mentioned in this article, plus many other countless differences of all sizes that we are going to experiences going forward will not be an easy task to manage. But knowing that the worst is over should come as a relief to Salesforce leaders. Resilience is a key characteristic that leaders have employed as they led their teams through the uncertainties of recent months – and we are now on the other side.
COVID-19 was a crisis, and no matter how well your team reacted, we will be experiencing the shockwaves of it for some time to come. This Deloitte guide on resilient leadership in response to COVID-19 is a great read for any Salesforce leaders looking to increase resilience in themselves and their team in a post-COVID world.
What Next?
Life is slowly returning to normal, but not as we know it. We have learned some valuable lessons from the pandemic which have shaped the business world and forced improvement in many areas.
If your Salesforce team is now in the recovery stage and you need talented employees to drive your business forwards, we can help.
Get in touch with us here, or call us on 01322 272 532 to find out how we can help you find the Salesforce talent you need for 2020 and beyond.
About Resource On Demand
Resource On Demand is Europe‘s first specialist Salesforce Recruitment Company, now also focusing on growth Cloud markets.
We assist innovative and disruptive organisations to grow their technology teams. Supporting companies to fill Cloud roles that span across Digital Marketing, Marketing Automation, Human Capital Management and the growing suite of skills.
The team at Resource On Demand have access to an extensive database of key talent, registering over 8000 Cloud professionals each year.
To find out how we can support you call us on 01322 272 532, or you can contact us by clicking here.