/, Review/App of the Month – OneCloud

App of the Month – OneCloud

OnecloudEnterprise-class cloud storage player, Box, is launching its mobile app framework OneCloud for Android, in advance of the Google I/O Conference.

Box, is aiming to build an ecosystem of easy-to-use, and IT-acceptable services and add-ons for its storage offering that users can access from their mobile device of choice.

OneCloud will allow you to use your Box app to collaborate and manage content within shared files, directly from your Android phone or tablet. You will be able to easily share files and folders with links and invite colleagues to leave comments within your shared folders. In addition, you can upload multiple images, videos and files from the SD card and save files to your SD card for offline access.

Box has more than fifty compatible apps, such as DocuSign Ink, Breezy, iAnnotate and Fetchnotes, which you will also be able to open and edit via Box OneCloud. And to ensure the integrity of your data, they offer a secure content file-level encryption, with auto logout when the app is closed.

Box OneCloud for Android is available from Google Play Store and other Android app stores.

2012-07-06T11:00:34+00:00 App of the Month, Review|