//Changing faces of the workplace

Changing faces of the workplace

Last year we recognised how mobile devices are quickly taking over as the number one method of connecting to the internet, and also our work device of preference, in the phenomenon that is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). But, as we see it go from a trendy craze to the smart business choice, so too are we starting to see a decline in the desktop as we know it.

DesktopWith enterprise data being stored within the cloud, instead of a centralised network; coupled with the the fact that we are seeing more efficient mobile capabilities, including document delivery and collaboration, memory and cloud storage, smarter mobile business apps, is making access to this data from any mobile device even easier.

Of course, for the foreseeable future there is always going to be a need for desktop PCs.  Certainly some functions are near-impossible to perform efficiently and effectively on a hand-held device; just think graphic design for instance.

But, with the rise of the mobile workforce and increasing expectation of using personal smart-devices within the enterprise environment, so we are starting to see a new workplace environment coming sharply into focus. And the desktop, which in theory was your epicenter for accessing your applications and data, is quickly becoming defunct.


2013-02-13T11:53:09+00:00 Cloud Article|