Recent reports show that approximately 40% of all CRM sales are SaaS based products. So it will come as no surprise that the demand for SaaS skills will also be on the rise.
During the first six months of 2013, Resource On Demand (ROD) has witnessed the demand for SaaS Consultants hit a record high.
Figures out this week show that SaaS Consultant roles make up 45% of their overall role requirements, and is more than twice the amount of their next biggest demand. With such a demand, it is only inevitable that companies will start to see this impacting on their staff retention, as competitors begin to offer higher salaries in order to attract the skills they need.
Part of ROD’s research was looking at the average salaries offered between 2010 and 2013. Figures show that there has been a significant increase in starting level and senior level salaries for SaaS consultants. This makes it far more tempting for individuals to change jobs on a regular basis, rather than stay put.
In 2010, the average time that a consultant remained with their employer was around 24 to 28 months, but compare this to 2012, when we witnessed it drop to around 12 to 18 months.
Despite the current economic climate, it seems that job security and fear of unemployment has little influence on talent within the SaaS market.
So what can employers do, to stop staff leakage?
We asked this very question to a number of talented people registered with ROD. They felt that better benefits packages or cash equivalent, personal performance bonuses rather than company bonuses, access to long term training programmes and certification were great incentives to stay on board with their current employer.
But the two main reason for staying with their current employer for many of the people we spoke to, was finding a role in an extremely competitive market that offered them a good ‘work-life’ balance. And, finding a company, where they felt they could make a difference.