//ROD Announced As The Best Owner Managed Business

ROD Announced As The Best Owner Managed Business

Depending on where you live in the UK receiving a business award from your local borough council is a pretty big thing.

So, as you might imagine we were delighted to receive an award at the end of last month from Dartford Borough Council who are supporting local business growth through the Dartford Business Awards.

Dartford is the principal town in the Borough of Dartford Kent and is located 18 miles south of Central London.

Though many people commute to London to work, many others are developing their careers here in our hometown with a growing number of thriving businesses.

Dartford Rundown

For our lovely clients and candidates in the tech space all over the UK a quick rundown on Dartford!

The town centre lies in a valley through which the River Darent flows, and where the old road from London to Dover crossed: hence the name, from Darent + ford!

Dartford became a market town in medieval times, and it has a long history of religious, industrial and cultural importance. It is a key rail hub; the main through-road now by-passes the town itself, carrying commuters to London (me included) when I go to London to talk to our lovely clients and the outstanding tech talent we help.

Dartford Borough Council organised the 2018 awards with the support of some key sponsors, and together they sifted through a HUGE number of applications and nominations to come up with a final list of winners of which we were humbled to win the owner managed business category.

Our particular award was sponsored by Thomas Snell and Passmore and Wilkins Kennedy.

Being recognised as the best owner managed business means a lot to both Theresa and I and the entire ROD team.

Ironically, we will be celebrating our 10th year in business in 2019 too, and it’s been an exciting few years working in the technology field.

From YK2 spreading doom and gloom to being the biggest Salesforce recruiter in Europe, it’s been an amazing experience. Take a look out our high tech milestones page which maps our journey.

A Bit About Why We Won, The ROD Winning Team And Its Ethos!

I guess you might need to ask the judges why they chose us. However, I suspect our business journey, ethos, values, charity work, and growth over the last few years had a lot to do with it.

As founders of ROD, Theresa and I (we are married by the way!) have a passion for technology and a desire to create a technical recruitment company that puts long-term relationships as our core value, and where employees can feel recognised, valued and appreciated for their contribution.

Over the last few years, Theresa and I have invested significantly in our personal development and Theresa is now a qualified business coach too.

The ROD team is built around diversity and embraces people from different backgrounds, yet we all have the same common values.

We believe in hard work, great relationships and that it’s crucial to have fun too. Look at our ROD by numbers page to experience our sense of humour!

The ROD foundation is close to our hearts at Resource on Demand, we believe in giving back to our local community and to charities that have touched the lives of our employees or people close to them.

Giving back at ROD is a massive part of our culture. We have been fundraising way before we launched ROD  nearly ten years ago. All our employees are encouraged to take part in fun runs, volunteering, and charitable events to support causes both nationally and locally…in fact, we insist upon it.

This not only promotes a sense of well-being but is also great for the charities that we raise money for.

Over the years we have helped out in the Dartford community by building a nursery for people with social disabilities, donated raffle prizes for The Withens Nursing Home annual fundraising event, delivered Christmas presents to the children of Willow Ward, Darent Valley Hospital; plus raised money for Scope, Cancer Research UK,  The British Heart Foundation and Children In Need, but hope to help many more charities. Shameless plug! Feel free to donate on our fundraising page here.

Want to Know More?

If you want to know more about the ROD way, do get in touch.


Lee Durrant

ROD Founder

2022-08-16T14:04:16+00:00 ROD News|