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SaaS outstrips on-premise software

The latest predictions for SaaS is looking great as recent surveys show that by 2018, 59% of the enterprise public cloud computing market will be represented by Software-as-a-service. A closer looks shows that over the next 2 years, 60% of North America and 34% of Asia Pacific IT industry executives, plan to increase their budgets for SaaS, as well as public cloud.

A recent survey of a thousand IT professionals found that they are turning to hosted SaaS products, as a way to pass over management of non-critical applications, such as HR and CRM. SaaS provides an alternative to companies, for them to use rather than having to buy, build and maintain their own IT infrastructures. Plus, Software-as-a-service applications are available from any computer or device, which is great as it means you can access vital company information at anytime from anywhere.

The SaaS market is set to keep growing for the foreseeable future and is currently around five times the size of on-premises software market, with it being reported that 85% of new software applications will be delivered using the SaaS model.

Key benefits of using SaaS?

  • Lower implementation and maintenance costs
  • Scalability (Pay per user)
  • It is accessible from anywhere and from any device
  • Off premise maintenance and up-grades
  • Increased security and more reliable





