Historically January is always a funny time of year as many of us forgo socialising in order to stick to our New Year resolutions, which usually involves punishing ourselves at the gym, or punishing ourselves for not going to the gym; a dry January (and we don’t mean of the ‘dry’ alcoholic variety), not to mention wishing to drop a few pounds.
But surprisingly the reason so many people fail at sticking to their resolutions is that they are full of ‘negative’ promises; stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol, lose weight. It’s no wonder most of us fail with these, as they comes with a sense of loss rather than an attempt to try something new and daring.
Rather than focusing on what you are NOT going to do this year. Instead, make that glass ‘half full’ and make a plan for what you WILL START doing; start vaping, start each day with a 15 minute mini-workout, start a fun class on the evenings where you would normally reach for a beer or glass of wine!
..oh and one last one (oh come on, we are a Recruitment company!) start a conversation with a trusted Recruiter in your sector and start your new career today!
You can’t expect to just stop everything you were doing just a matter of days ago, but if you focus on trying something new, that can move you away from each of your ‘bad habits’, then it might feel like a new adventure, rather than just a miserable month of abstinence!
So the motto for 2017, shouldn’t be ‘Don’t, Don’t, Don’t’. Instead go for ‘Do, Do, Do!‘