//Is Wellbeing in the Workplace On Your Agenda? #Itshouldbe

Is Wellbeing in the Workplace On Your Agenda? #Itshouldbe

Wellbeing in the WorkplaceWorkplace wellbeing is an area that’s receiving significant focus in today’s business environment, primarily from companies who are eager to improve corporate culture and employee performance. Of course, there’s more to a comprehensive wellbeing program, than filling a fruit bowl in the company kitchen or giving staff free gym memberships.

Today, if organisations want to truly implement holistic wellbeing into the workforce, and reap the benefits of a happy workplace, then they need to focus on physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing as a combined concern.

After all, the Corporate Leadership Council reports that while lost employees can cost as much as 150% of that employee’s salary. On the other hand, engaged and motivated employees can reduce staff turnover by up to 87%!

Investment in the right wellbeing programmes can deliver incredible outcomes for both employee productivity, and brand health. From better talent retention to reduced absenteeism, it’s easy to see why today’s businesses are putting wellbeing first.

Wellbeing is Key to Employee Motivation

Happy, motivated employees are productive employees. That’s why good wellbeing approaches are a common factor of companies that span various shapes and sizes. One UK high-street retailer, Richer Sounds, noted that their aim in business is to help their employees better serve customers. In order to do that, they need to know that their team is fully supported, in both their business and personal lives.

Richer Sounds implement a range of wellbeing initiatives designed to give their professionals peace of mind.

For instance, one percent of the company’s annual profits go into a “hardship fund”, while medical referrals, free use of company holiday homes, counselling services, and gym memberships are all offered as standard. The outcome is a better level of motivation throughout the workforce.

The golden rule of employee motivation is letting your staff know that they’re your most valuable asset. After all, without them, you couldn’t get much done in your business. If employees believe that their employers care about them, they’ll be more dedicated and loyal to that brand.

Wellbeing, Company Culture, and Brand Health

Wellbeing in the WorkplaceBy giving employees the opportunity to better manage their health and wellbeing, companies aren’t only encouraging happier, more devoted team members; wellbeing initiatives can also help to highlight the most attractive characteristics of a brand, and therefore engage new talent in the workforce.

“Brand health” is an important feature of workplace wellness programs that successful companies are developing. It represents the ability of a brand to retain their key talent, and draw new skills into the workplace when positions open.

A healthy brand attracts the best possible applicants, as todays talent is no longer searching only for high salariesand good bonuses. Modern employees want work/life balance, respect in the office, and benefits that focus on their needs.

Organisations that can show how much they value their people are more likely to create environments where staff are truly dedicated to their employers. If the business you work for demonstrates that it’s willing to go the extra mile to keep you happy, then the chances are that you’ll be prepared to show the same imitative for your business.

Of course, for wellbeing to emerge as a dominant element of company culture, and a sign of good brand health, it’s important to ensure that approaches align authentically with the core purposes of the business. A successful strategy needs to consider the features involved in authentic, inspirational leadership and a supportive working culture.

Implementing Wellbeing: It’s Easier Than You Think

Although the concept of a customised wellbeing programme can seem a little daunting, the truth is that it’s not as overwhelming as it appears. Often, it’s simply a matter of planning for success, by considering the needs and desires of your workforce. For instance, try following these steps:

1. Decide what you want your employee wellbeing programme to achieve.

A positive employee wellbeing programme begins by recognising that “wellbeing” means different things to different people. You need to make sure that your programme covers concepts like mental health, physical health, emotion, and support for your staff. Pin down what you mean by “employee wellness” and build from there.


2. Identify gaps in employee wellness.

If you can see clear areas where staff aren’t getting the support they need, you can start to implement a strategy that fills those gaps and simplifies the wellbeing process for your company. At the same time, you can to link your wellbeing initiative to the strategic goals of your business, for a more measurable return on investment.


3. Encourage executives to buy in.

Wellbeing in the WorkplaceFor an employee wellbeing programme to thrive, senior management needs to buy in to the process. The people that lead your company are the ones that inspire other employees into action. If your CEO can lead by example, adoption for your wellbeing solution will thrive.


4. Have some fun.

Remember that health and wellbeing doesn’t have to be a chore, it can be a positive way to inspire change. Help employees to enjoy their wellbeing programmes by getting them to take part in games and challenges for quick rewards.


5. Measure and Evaluate.

Finally, remember to appraise your wellbeing programme regularly. Check what’s going well for your company, and what might be facing challenges, and make changes where necessary. As your business evolves, your wellbeing solution might evolve with it too.


About Resource On Demand

Resource On Demand is Europe’s first specialist Salesforce Recruitment Company. We assist the world’s leading organisations to grow their technology teams. Supporting companies to fill roles that span across digital marketing, marketing automation, Human Capital Management, CRM system management and, Salesforce developer, Salesforce consultant and Salesforce admin jobs.

The team at Resource On Demand have access to an extensive database of key talent, registering over 8000 professionals each year. To find out how we can support you call us on +44 20 8123 7769 or rod@resourceondemand.com.

2022-08-18T14:38:13+00:00 Work Tips|