//Your time starts….now!

Your time starts….now!

1312453720Interviewers make up their minds about you within the first few seconds of an interview. And, a staggering 55% of their first impression is based on your appearance alone. Therefore, dressing for success is one of the most important things to consider when attendID-100291298ing a job interview.

But it does not stop there. How you dress at work, can also affect your potential for promotion. We often advise our candidates, that you should dress for the job you want, not just for the job you are in. 

Getting it right

More than 40% of companies in the last three years, have adopted a ‘smart-casual’ dress code for their everyday business activities. And whilst a number of companies are happy for interviewees to reflect their understanding of the culture through adopting similar interview wear, getting it wrong can be disastrous for your careerID-100158680 opportunities.

Always check with your recruitment consultant for advice on what the client is likely to consider appropriate wear. But, if you are in any doubt of whether to attend an interview in full business attire or go for something more casual, always go smart.  You can always slip off a tie and jacket, if the opportunity arises. But, unless you bring a suitcase with wardrobe alternatives, could find yourself being given the brush off, if the interviewer is wearing his best Armani suit, and you are wearing you craziest disco shirt!

When can you go casual?

ID-100271711Once your feet are firmly under the table, it might be easy to slip into old habits and comfy clothes. But, maintaining a certain standard goes beyond just making a first impression. You should consider that you are an ambassador for your company. Clients, customers or suppliers could walk in at any moment. How do you want them to perceive you as an individual and as a business?

Eleanor White, Office Administrator at Resource On Demand, says “What I wear to work is key to how I am perceived by those around me. I work hard to create a great impression with my colleagues and our customers, and at maintaining my brand image. I also feel that dressing the part, gets me into the right mind-set every day to work within in a professional environment and I feel far more productive, than if I was to wear something more casual.”

Eleanor goes on to say “I also consider how my clothes might affect the people around me. Wearing something that is too revealing for example, can be embarrassing for everyone and can make people I interact with in person feel uncomfortable. So when I choose my outfit each day, I try to take into account the people I am likely to interact with and how best I can instill confidence in my abilities, whilst reinforcing my brand of being a trustworthy and professional member of the team.”

2015-08-31T14:06:28+00:00 Careers|